The second episode of 365 Days to the Wedding dives deeper into Tsumugi and Ritsu’s newfound “engagement,” giving viewers a closer look at...
ByRick J.October 24, 2024The highly anticipated anime adaptation of Dan Da Dan made its debut with a bang, delivering a thrilling mix of supernatural intrigue, bizarre...
ByRick J.October 24, 2024Anime fans who love a good romantic comedy are in for a treat with 365 Days to the Wedding. This charming series starts...
ByRick J.October 24, 2024Air Date: November 13, 2011 Written by: Atsushi Maekawa Directed by: Hiroshi Kōjina Summary: The candidates move on to the third phase of...
ByRick J.September 29, 2024Air Date: November 6, 2011 Written by: Atsushi Maekawa Directed by: Hiroshi Kōjina Summary: In this episode, the candidates face a surprising twist...
ByRick J.September 29, 2024Introduction: Episode 3 of The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love You brings even more romance and ridiculousness as Rentarou’s...
ByRick J.September 26, 2024Introduction: In the second episode of The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love You, Rentarou’s romantic escapades continue as he...
ByRick J.September 26, 2024Episode 5 of Fruits Basket, titled “I’ve Been Fooling Myself,” takes a more introspective turn as we delve into Yuki Sohma’s character and...
ByRick J.September 22, 2024Episode 4 of Fruits Basket, titled “Here Comes Kagura!,” delves deeper into the chaotic yet endearing relationship between Kagura and Kyo, while also...
ByRick J.September 22, 2024Episode 3 of Fruits Basket, titled “Let’s Play Rich Man-Poor Man,” brings a lighter, more playful tone as we see Tohru settling into...
ByRick J.September 22, 2024