In Episode 6, “The Friendship Scheme,” Loid’s mission takes on new dimensions as he realizes that Anya must become friends with the target’s...
ByRick J.October 28, 2024Episode 5, “Will They Pass or Fail?,” picks up immediately after the nerve-wracking interview at Eden Academy. The episode explores the aftermath of...
ByRick J.October 28, 2024Episode 4, “The Prestigious School’s Interview,” brings the tension to a peak as the Forger family faces the crucial entrance interview at Eden...
ByRick J.October 28, 2024In Episode 3, titled “Prepare for the Interview,” the Forger family faces a new challenge: getting Anya accepted into the prestigious Eden Academy....
ByRick J.September 12, 2024In Episode 2 of “Spy x Family,” titled “Secure a Wife,” the mission takes a new twist as Loid Forger realizes he needs...
ByRick J.September 12, 2024The debut episode of “Spy x Family” opens with an introduction to Twilight, a master spy renowned for his exceptional skills and efficiency....
ByRick J.August 17, 2024