In Episode 10, the team takes the fight to the source as they track down leads on The Convergence. This episode focuses on...
ByRick J.January 26, 2025Episode 9 raises the stakes as the threads of the story begin to converge. The episode focuses on the looming threat posed by...
ByRick J.January 26, 2025Episode 8 of Dan Da Dan ramps up the suspense and action, as Ken and Momo delve deeper into the cryptic connection between...
ByRick J.January 22, 2025Episode 7 of Dan Da Dan takes a thrilling turn as Ken and Momo delve deeper into the mysteries surrounding their strange encounters....
ByRick J.January 22, 2025In Episode 6 of Dan Da Dan, the mystery surrounding Ken’s powers and the forces targeting him and Momo deepens, bringing new challenges...
ByRick J.January 21, 2025Episode 5 of Dan Da Dan brings viewers even closer to unraveling the mysteries surrounding Ken and Momo’s supernatural encounters, offering an engaging...
ByRick J.November 1, 2024Episode 4 of Dan Da Dan amps up the stakes as Ken and Momo find themselves entangled in another chaotic encounter with both...
ByRick J.October 26, 2024In Episode 3 of Dan Da Dan, the stakes rise as Ken and Momo find themselves facing an even more dangerous foe. The...
ByRick J.October 26, 2024The second episode of Dan Da Dan picks up right where the series premiere left off, plunging deeper into the chaos and strangeness...
ByRick J.October 26, 2024The highly anticipated anime adaptation of Dan Da Dan made its debut with a bang, delivering a thrilling mix of supernatural intrigue, bizarre...
ByRick J.October 24, 2024