In Episode 8, the stakes are raised as Tsumugi and Ritsu’s “fake engagement” faces its first emotional hurdle—jealousy. This episode dives deeper into...
ByRick J.January 13, 2025Episode 7 of 365 Days to the Wedding continues to blur the lines between pretense and reality as Tsumugi and Ritsu’s fake engagement...
ByRick J.November 20, 2024Episode 6 of 365 Days to the Wedding takes a bold step forward as Tsumugi and Ritsu’s relationship grows increasingly complex. In this...
ByRick J.November 20, 2024Episode 5 of 365 Days to the Wedding takes us deeper into the intricate web of Tsumugi and Ritsu’s “fake” relationship. As their...
ByRick J.November 1, 2024Episode 4 of 365 Days to the Wedding offers a heartwarming glimpse into the growing dynamic between Tsumugi and Ritsu. As the story...
ByRick J.October 26, 2024Episode 3 of 365 Days to the Wedding shifts gears slightly, focusing more on the complications of keeping up appearances in front of...
ByRick J.October 24, 2024The second episode of 365 Days to the Wedding dives deeper into Tsumugi and Ritsu’s newfound “engagement,” giving viewers a closer look at...
ByRick J.October 24, 2024Anime fans who love a good romantic comedy are in for a treat with 365 Days to the Wedding. This charming series starts...
ByRick J.October 24, 2024