Title: The Art of Peace: Exploring “Peace Maker” Episode 3 of “Trigun,” titled “Peace Maker,” continues to build on the foundation laid by...
ByRick J.August 31, 2024Air Date: October 9, 2011 Written by: Atsushi Maekawa Directed by: Hiroshi Kōjina Summary: Gon embarks on his journey to take the Hunter...
ByRick J.August 31, 2024“Honky Tonk Women” introduces one of Cowboy Bebop’s most iconic characters, Faye Valentine. This episode delves into themes of deception, luck, and survival,...
ByRick J.August 30, 2024Title: A Gentleman’s Martini Introduction In the second episode of “Bartender: Glass of God,” we dive deeper into the art of bartending and...
ByRick J.August 30, 2024In “Stray Dog Strut,” the Bebop crew’s next bounty hunt leads them to a rather unexpected target: a genetically engineered Welsh Corgi named...
ByRick J.August 30, 2024In Episode 2 of “SHY,” titled “The Weight of Expectations,” we delve deeper into Teru’s struggle with her role as Japan’s hero. After...
ByRick J.August 29, 2024Introduction: In the second episode of Mob Psycho 100, titled “Doubts About Youth The Telepathy Club Appears,” we dive deeper into the life...
ByRick J.August 29, 2024Introduction The second episode of I’m a Spider, So What?, titled “My House, on Fire?”, delves deeper into the protagonist’s struggle for survival...
ByRick J.August 29, 2024Title: The Beast Within: Atsushi Faces His Darkest Fears in Episode 2 of Bungo Stray Dogs Episode 2 of Bungo Stray Dogs picks...
ByRick J.August 29, 2024Summer Time Rendering opens with a chilling, atmospheric debut in its first episode, setting the tone for what promises to be an intriguing...
ByRick J.August 29, 2024